Knee Injuries in Youth Soccer Players
Published on under Joint Pain
The researchers found that the incidence rate for first-time lower-extremity overuse injuries was 1.7 per 1,000 athlete-exposure hours (AEH) and for repeat injuries, 3.4 per 1,000 AEH. Players with knocked knees were 3.2 times more likely to have a knee injury, while those with stronger leg muscles (hamstrings and quadriceps) had a 30-35% lower risk for a knee injury. Additionally, those who played throughout the year had a 2.5 times higher risk for knee injury than those who only played on one team each year or who played a variety of sports. The findings underscore the importance of strengthening the leg muscles, avoiding sports specialization, and taking steps to correct faulty knee posture as a means for reducing the risk of knee injury in this population of athletes.
Doctors of chiropractic commonly treat athletes who participate in many different sports—both for recovering from injury and reducing the risk of injury in the first place—using a combination of manual therapies, specific exercises, and nutritional recommendations.
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