Home Exercises for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Published on under Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Exercise 3: Median Nerve Glides. Make a fist (with the top of the hand facing upward) and then open the hand, but not the thumb, and bend the hand backward toward the forearm and extend the thumb backward. Rotate the palm up toward the ceiling, keeping the wrist/fingers/thumb extended. Grasp the thumb with the other hand and extend back (assist) to tolerance (but not too hard). Hold for three to seven seconds and repeat on the other hand.
Exercise 4: Tendon Glides Type One: Start with the hand pointed outward with the fingers straight out, palm facing down. Bend the fingers upward and then curl them downward into a fist. Tendon Glides Type Two: Start with the hand pointed outward with fingers straight out, palm facing down. Bend the fingers downward touching the end of the fingers to the base of the palm.
The AAOS recommends warming up the hands and wrists with heat for about 15 minutes before performing these exercises and using ice for 20 minutes to cool down afterward. If your symptoms to worsen, cease these exercises and consult with your doctor of chiropractic about modifications.
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